Cities of Love Awards 2018


citiesoflovebannerWe are back! Have a story to share and inspire others?

The issues of climate change and some real actions are taking place.  “Cities of Love” begins to document ideas and stories of such efforts. While this journey begins the long road to discover worldwide efforts, there’s never been a more appropriate time than now, to honor the common people and businesses, with an award for their honorable efforts.

There is a laudable increase in ground-up efforts amongst common people as well as enterprises, to link arms for a concerted, holistic movement.

COLA City of Love Awards

“Cities of Love” arose to shine a light on the love and passion of keeping the country green with every single effort and recognize the immense progress that the green community has contributed, as sustainable business models, environment, and society.

Celebrate businesses, NGOs, Public sector bodies and individuals, teams, and organizations across 3 different categories Social, Environmental, Economic and are rigorously judged by a panel of sustainability professionals and green economy leaders.

Shine and be proud of your work…..

Your hard work, passion and persistent deserved to be recognized. We believed every effort helps the environment. Come, share and inspire more people in keeping this world a better place.

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COLA Winners 2017

See what our winners said about COLA

Dr Tan Leun changUnder the Social Category, COLA 2017 Distinguished Award Winner; Dr. Tan Chun Liang – Urban Greenery Workshops for Primary and Secondary Schools in Singapore commented “While I am astounded by the diverse and inventive nature of all the nominated entries, perhaps what had left the deepest impression on me is witnessing how ordinary citizens can do extraordinary things.

I am hopeful that more will come forth to share their efforts in improving our environment and that their actions be celebrated via the Cities of Love Awards.”


COLA 2017, Distinguished Award Winner for Environmental Category; Ms. Mariam Mathew – Sungei Ulu Pandan Learning Trail said “COLA is a great platform for me to be part of a movement for sustainable practices in Singapore”