Rethink Events:Asia-Pacific Agri-Food Innovation Summit 2019


Green In Future was honoured to be media partner of  The second Asia-Pacific Agri-Food Innovation Summit, organised by UK-based Rethink Events in partnership with global investment company Temasek, opened at the Grand Hyatt on 20 November.

Addressing 870 delegates from 47 countries., the event  was a key strategic milestone for Singapore. With a growing urban population and dependency on imported produce for 90% of its needs, the Singapore Government has zeroed in on the critical need – and opportunity – to be at the forefront of global innovation in sustainable food production models and technologies and become a global centre for agri-food innovation.

Day One focused on opportunities for technology to reinvent agriculture across Southeast Asia, China and India, from drones, sensors, robotics and machine-learning, to new approaches to soil health, pest and disease control that work with nature to solve challenges, and digital tools that support farmers to grow better quality crops and achieve more sustainable livelihoods.

An exciting announcement from SMS Dr Koh Poh Koon at the opening of the #APACAgriFood Innovation Week: The launch of the Singapore Institute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation (SIFBI) by Astar research.

Day Two focused on farming focus indoors, to urban and indoor grown leafy greens, salad and vegetables, essential for providing growing cities with fresh, nutritious food. The day explores the latest in sustainable aquaculture, including urban fish farms and breakthroughs in feed, before insights into the market potential for cell-based meats and new developments in plant-based proteins.

Day Three tackled the impending health crisis across Asia, seeking better alternatives to sugar and sweeteners alongside fortification of foods and preventative nutrition to reduce diet-related diabetes and obesity, while supporting infant development and healthy ageing.