Tag: Green in Future

Our Supporters

Business Consultancy

Green in Future is endowed with a wider understanding of the niche market of Green delivered through a passionate editorial team. Our strong marketing capabilities can assist Companies in establishing their brand presence and network with the right prospects.
Our marketing campaigns are strategically designed to  boost the brand awareness and help generate leads.


  1. Lead Generation
  2. Social Media Amplification
  3. Branding Awareness
  4. Client Engagement

1. Lead Generation:

  • Create awareness of the product, company and service.
  • Generate targeted leads and Notified by email for enquiries.
  • Integrated with email, Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn.

2.Social Media Amplification

  • Product related posts and user shareable content updates.
  • Social Ad and Promo campaigns to a niche audience.
  • Review weekly and modify campaign based on results.

3.Branding Awareness:

  • Awareness of the brand through exclusive write-ups
  • Promotional banners in website
  • Email Campaign EDMs
  • Advertorial in Newsletter

4.Client Engagement:

  • Provide networking opportunities at Conferences and Seminars.
  • Business exposure to exhibitors at major events across Asia
  • Organize workshops / events for product launches/ services.