Category: Workshops

Climate Change Workshop


A 2-day workshop to understand the science of climate change, and the implications of global warming for
energy, food & health security.

The role of Climate-related Finance and Investment regarding energy efficiency, renewable energy technologies, carbon capture and storage and geoengineering in mitigating climate change will be covered with respect to the opportunities that now exist in the low-carbon energy market that will lead the world to a safer, cooler and more secure future.


Connect With Nature

connect with nature, green workshopsGreen Workshop for the Elderly – Connect to Nature:


  • Connect with Nature workshops designed for elders and seniors, organized by Green in Future #greeninfuture 
  • The entire program aims to provide a healthier mind and a relaxing environment.
  • Create environmental awareness to adopt a Greener lifestyle and connect with Nature.
  • Organize therapeutic green workshops customized for the elderly and help them improve their memory, motor skills and reduce tensions.
