Category: Personality

FACE TO FACE with James Chew

James Chew is the Director of Business Development for Southeast Asia for JERDE. Prior to JERDE, he founded and owned VinaPlanners Co Ltd and TPO Vietnam – Singapore. He also worked for Nagecco as Business Development Director, Vingroup JSC as Product Development Director, BRG Group as Director of Project Management, Vung Ro Petroleum JSC as Development Dorector, VinaProjects as Director of Planning, VinaCapital Real Estate as Deputy Managing Director, Real Estate and the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Singapore as Head of Local Planning. (more…)


Prof Dr Jeff ObbardInterview with Prof. Dr. Jeff Obbard, Environmental Scientist

Prof. Dr. Jeff Obbard is an environmental scientist, ecologist, environmental engineer, and entrepreneur. He holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Science (Chemistry & Microbiology), and a B.Sc. (Honours) in Ecology (1st Class) from the UK. He spent 17 years at the Faculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore (NUS), and has recently returned from Qatar, where he was Director and Professor at the Environmental Science Centre, Qatar University.  (more…)